Dear Internet visitor,
My intention is
to help you own a profitable Internet
Home Business.
Here is
Internet Home Business course that will help and guide
you to start off your Home Business on the Internet.
Lesson #17
You will learn by example in this
lesson the issues involved in preparing materials for a
Website, finding a design and hosting company, and
registering your domain name.
Since we last visited our hypothetical
friend, Donna, she has been busy collecting and typing
up her family recipes. For some of her recipes, she has
begun preparing the dishes and taking pictures of the
process with her digital camera. Going a step further,
she has used the video camera (which she purchased to
take family pictures a few years back) to video the
major steps in preparing some of the dishes. She has
decided to start talking to some Web design and hosting
companies while she finishes up this process.
After browsing on the Web and calling
around to a variety of companies both large and small,
Donna has received a wide range of quotes for both
design and hosting of her site. Her estimates for design
have ranged from $800 to several thousand dollars.
Hosting quotes ranged from free to more than $80 a
month. She has decided that free hosting will not be
effective because visitors will be distracted from her
site with the popup ads that come with most free hosting
services. Plus, she just doesn't feel that a free site
will have the serious and professional feel that she
wants her site to have. However, she has found one small
design and hosting company that she likes and with which
she feels comfortable. They have quoted her $1,500 for
the design (including the video processing) and $35 a
month for hosting the site. She has viewed several
samples of their work and it is all very professional.
While she is comfortable with the hosting fee, Donna has
decided that she really does not want to invest the
$1,500 design fee at this time. Working only part-time,
she would rather take a shot at learning a little HTML
and designing her own site to begin with. Perhaps later,
if the site is successful, it would be worth the
investment for the professional design. She realizes,
though, that she will need some professional help
streaming her video from the site. She contacts the
company again and they give her a quote of $400 to edit
and convert the videos she will make. Donna decides this
is a good compromise and sets out to learn some basic
Donna goes to the SFI Discussion Board
and notices the link at the bottom of the page to the
DBoard Resource Center. Going there, she finds some
links to basic HTML tutorials and training on the Web.
Being an IAHBE subscriber, she finds even better
information at under IAHBE Web Resources.
To round it out, she searches on the Yahoo! and Google
search engines for "HTML help" and "HTML tutorials."
Donna now has more than enough materials to learn how to
design her own site. She sets herself a study schedule
and allocates one hour every day for one month just to
learning HTML and Web design. The rest of her time will
be spent on preparing the dishes from her recipes and
taking photos and videos of the steps involved in each.
Having discussed her plans with the
hosting company, Donna decides to go ahead and register
a domain name. The hosting company will then set up an
area on their server for her to upload her work as she
designs her site. They will start to work on converting
her video and preparing it for streaming from her site.
Donna goes to her gateway for GreatDomainia and finds
the search box to explore what domain names are
available. She first searches for ""
and, as she expected, it is already taken. Luckily, her
second search reveals a domain name that will be useful
for her: "" is available, and
being from the southern United States, she registers it
right away.
There are, of course, other issues besides domain name
availability that might come up regarding any name that
someone wants to use for business. Someone else may have
a copyright, trademark, tradename, or corporation
registered in some state with this name. Just because
the name is available for registration as a domain name
on the Internet does not necessarily mean that no one
has intellectual property rights established in that
name. Donna makes a note to check with her lawyer as
soon as financially feasible to make sure any such
problems are dealt with before too much is invested in
the name.
In the registration process, Donna is also given the
option of registering "" and "".
Knowing that most people associate ".com" with domain
names, she decides to save the money required to
register "" and ""
for now and just register ""
She also makes a note to herself to revisit these
options, depending on her success with the site.
Even though Donna now has the domain name registration
secured, after a discussion with her hosting firm she
decides to request that they not enter it in their DNS
servers just yet. Once her hosting firm assigns an IP
number to her site, she can access it from the Web using
that IP number for purposes of previewing the design
work she has done and yet not risk the search engines
finding her site too soon. She wants it to be ready
before the search engines evaluate it.
As we conclude this visit with Donna, she plans to spend
the next month making photos and videos of the
preparation of her recipes and learning basic HTML. We
will check back with her when she begins the actual
design of her site.
Careful preparation and attention to
detail are the keys to a professional Website. Even when
you design your site yourself, it can be effective if
you put great care into the preparation of the content.
While preparing your content, shop around for a design
and hosting firm with which you feel comfortable. Also,
register your domain name early in the process. It is
probably best at first just to register the ".com"
domain to save money. Do not let your hosting company
publish your site until it is complete. You want the
first impression of your site by the search engines to
be a good impression.
In our next lesson, we will revisit the
important issues of keywords, key phrases, and
integration of keywords and key phrases into site
content. We will do this by following the example we
have begun in the last two lessons.
by George Little
Copyright (year) Panhandle On-Line, Inc.
License granted to Carson Services, Inc. for
distribution to SFI affiliates. No part of this work may
be republished, redistributed, or sold without written
permission of the author.
For more information on the Internet Income
Course and other works and courses by George Little, see
For Web Hosting services specially designed for
SFI affiliates, see
Continue To Next Lesson
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