Dear Internet visitor,
My intention is
to help you own a profitable Internet
Home Business.
Here is
Internet Home Business course that will help and guide
you to start off your Home Business on the Internet.
Lesson #14
In this lesson, you will learn how to
submit your site to the Open Directory Project (dmoz) at
You will learn that the Open Directory Project is a
backend database for AOL Search and other major search
engines. Thus, your submission to dmoz, if successful,
will improve your site's odds of appearing in several
other important search engines.
In a previous lesson, we discussed
that Yahoo! was the first to use human editors. The Open
Directory Project, partially in response to the
commercial direction Yahoo! has taken over the last few
years, was also founded on the principal of using human
editors to review submissions. However, the Open
Directory Project (abbreviated “ODP” and also referred
to as “dmoz”) is committed to never charging a fee for
reviewing submissions. The economic reality in applying
that principle means that ODP uses volunteers and can
often be excruciatingly slow in reviewing sites.
ODP draws upon the spirit of Internet community,
providing a free service by using volunteer labor. ODP
states that there will never be a charge for submissions
and the data will always be freely distributed to anyone
who will follow the license terms. Thus, ODP is doing
what it thinks Yahoo! should have done: not sell out to
commercial interests. ODP is purposefully rejecting the
trend of the major directories and search engines to
become fee-driven.
Because its data is comprehensive and
free, ODP listings are used by the Web's largest and
most popular search engines and portals, including
Netscape Search, AOL Search, Google, Lycos, HotBot,
DirectHit, and hundreds of others. Thus, ODP is a free
backdoor to inclusion in the major search engines. If
ODP can continue to acquire and maintain sufficient
volunteers to catalog the tremendously growing Web, it
will become increasingly important for Webmasters to
have a listing for their sites in ODP.
Not all sites submitted are included
in ODP, however. ODP sees itself as a coalition of net
citizens who are organizing the Web for the rest of the
Internet population. These net citizens see their
mission as “culling out the bad and useless and keeping
only the best content.” Since ODP editors work for no
pay, it follows that ODP editors have a bit of an
anti-commercial bias. They do not hide their distaste
for what they refer to as “affiliate link farms.” Thus,
your Website must be characterized by substantive,
original content with minimal affiliate links for any
hope of inclusion in the ODP directory.
The upside is that ODP inclusion is not dependent on
your site's popularity expressed by links to your site,
as is inclusion in Google and some of the other search
engines. With ODP, you really only have to impress one
person: the editor reviewing your site. ODP offers an
opportunity for a really good site to be included in
several major search engines, even though the site may
not yet be popular. Thus, ODP offers a way out of the
Catch-22 situation of your site not being popular
because it does not show up in the search engines…and
not showing up in the search engines because it is not
It should be noted, though, that ODP does not rank
sites. It either includes them or it does not. Ranking
of the data is done on the searching end by the search
engines that include ODP data. Inclusion in ODP does
seem to help your ranking in most of the other search
engines, however.
Like Yahoo!, you need to pick the most
appropriate category for your site and submit directly
from that category page. The “Add URL” link is in the
menu bar near the top right of each page. From the main
page (,
drill down through the categories to the one which is
most appropriate for your site. From that category page,
click the “add URL” link to submit your site. NOTE: Some
ODP categories may not have an “add URL" link.
Consequently, you may have to drill down to a more
specific category in order to submit your site.
Read over the submission policies and instructions
before submitting your site. Make sure your site is not
already included. Just as with any other search engine
or directory submission, do not submit mirror sites or
sites with similar content. Your site must have original
content and not be repetitive of any other site in order
to be considered for inclusion. Thus, you should not
submit pages that only contain links or redirects to
other pages. Do not submit sites that are still under
Also like Yahoo!, ODP requires you to type in a title
and description for your site. Follow the same
principles we discussed regarding meta-tags and Yahoo!
submissions in previous lessons when composing your
title and description for the ODP submission.
Currently located at, the ODP provides a
public discussion board for communication with its
editors. This forum gives you an opportunity to see into
the minds of the editors. Very recently, ODP added a
specific category to the discussion for specific
site-submission issues. While the editors will not allow
you to argue about your site's rejection, they may (as
time allows) give you an explanation for its rejection.
An editor’s recent post to the new “Site Submission
Status” forum is characteristic of many of the rejection
explanations. The editor states that sites consisting
primarily of affiliates links will be rejected “no
matter how you slice them or dice them.” It is not quite
fair to accuse the ODP editors of being anti-commercial.
Commercial sites are not excluded as a general
principle. There is, however, an obvious aversion to
sites which seek to engage in commerce through affiliate
The difference seems to be that if a site is selling
some product or service directly from the site owner, it
will be included if it is a professionally done site
that otherwise conforms to the ODP guidelines. On the
other hand, if the site is selling some product or
service through an affiliate status, it will be judged
by a much more stringent standard. If a site is
attempting to sell several goods or services through
affiliate links, it will be judged by an almost
impossible standard. If your site includes affiliate
links, you must not only have original content but also
original content expressing original ideas--and done in
a very original and appealing manner. The more affiliate
links you include on your site, the better and more
original your site must be to have any hope of
You should spend some time reading through the threads
on the ODP Public Forum discussion board before
submitting your site. Much can be learned from seeing
actual sites that are included and excluded and reading
the editors’ explanations.
While it is tough to get a site with
an affiliate link included in the Open Directory
Project, consider it a challenge to your creative
ability. Create a site that expresses original ideas in
a unique way. Let the content of this site flow into
your affiliate link in a natural, pleasing manner.
Submission and review are free and inclusion in ODP will
do much for the success of your site. If included in ODP,
your site will likely show up in most major search
engines over time.
Paying for Search Engine Attention and
Ranking--An Overview. In our next lesson, we will begin
to sort out the evolving world of pay-per-click,
pay-per-inclusion, and keyword-triggered advertising.
by George Little
Copyright (year) Panhandle On-Line, Inc.
License granted to Carson Services, Inc. for
distribution to SFI affiliates. No part of this work may
be republished, redistributed, or sold without written
permission of the author.
For more information on the Internet Income
Course and other works and courses by George Little, see
For Web Hosting services specially designed for
SFI affiliates, see
Continue To Next Lesson
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